BEFORE we start rejoicing at the Tory U-turn regarding the free bus pass, let us all spare a thought for the Pensioners' Forum and the dedicated work by Messrs Don Harper, Big John and the team and supporters who have campaigned relentlessly for a service that the majority of the country have enjoyed for many years.

When the Lib Dems were in office the whole system was threatened, (remember the Daily Echo's support?). Thankfully they were ousted, but in came the Tories promising a ten per cent reduction of senior citizens' council tax.

What they conveniently forgot to mention was that it would be subject to certain conditions, so now we will have to wait until the council meeting in February to see what are the true colours of the blue party.

Finally, regarding the comments of a recent reader who accused pensioners of always whingeing, it may be the time to drop your Hs and substitute winning instead.

F F SCOTT, Midanbury, Southampton.