AT the annual Hampshire Royal British Legion conference held recently, many tributes were paid to the people of Hampshire for their support and amazing generosity, not only over the years but for this year in particular when donations to the Poppy Appeal reached the staggering sum of more than £1m.

It goes without saying that the people really care about our brave servicemen and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan who are willing to lay down their lives or get severely injured but who unfortunately will not get the care and attention they and their dependants should receive by right.

Were it not for the revenue derived from the Poppy Appeal, which enables the Royal British Legion to assist and support our services and ex-service personnel in so many ways then these lads and lassies would find themselves in dire straits.

The Government depends on the financial and moral support that the RBL provides to supplement their own meagre support.

So a very sincere thank you to the people of Hampshire and bless you all for caring, the money will be well spent.

MRS MINNA ASHTON, member of the RBL.