THE £225m to be spent on lighting is the combined sum to be spent by Southampton City Council, Hampshire County Council and West Sussex County Council (Letters, March 15).

The money has been provided by the Government, not the council, because of the benefits that good quality street lighting has on communities.

Good lighting contributes towards the reduction of crime and the fear of it. It also helps to reduce road accidents and helps to boost the night time economy.

The council is keen to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. And environmental sustainability has been a key consideration for us in planning this project. The new lighting columns will be much more energy efficient than the old ones and will utilise white light rather than the familiar orange glow which is more conductive to the environment.

The lights will also be directed down onto footways and roads, resulting in less light pollution in the night sky.

There are rules which say all lighting has to be designed to certain safety standards and this depends on a number of different factors. The safety of our residents is of the utmost importance and we cannot allow this to be compromised.

NICK JOHNSON, PFI project manager, Southampton City Council.