I THOROUGHLY agree with Sam Snook's comments of Wednesday March 19 about the tremendous amount of construction being permitted by the Liberal Democrat Council in Eastleigh.

Currently, I calculate that there are 1156 new dwellings in the process of construction or planning in the town of Eastleigh, not including smaller building projects of which there are scores. They are l 432 new dwellings at South Street l 27 flats on Old Service station, Southampton Road l 161 flats at 68-96 Twyford Road l 43 houses and flats on Magpie Lane l 30 flats on Nightingale Avenue l 63 flats and Offices in 8 storey building at Earth Night Club site l 400 flats and houses on Prysmian site in Passfield Avenue Over the last 150 years the number of homes in Eastleigh has grown to around 10,500. In the next two years the numbers of homes are scheduled to grow by over 10 per cent more. However there will be no new main roads or sewers to cope with this demand.

Each dwelling will create an extra six traffic movements, that is another 7000 more traffic movements around Eastleigh a day. Travel will become a nightmare for commuters and the emergency services alike. Yet our Liberal Democrat council persist with this madness. Why? We have the chance to tell them "No more'', this May 1.

Andrew Ross, Eastleigh