WHEN we opened our borders to Eastern Europe were there any contingency plans by the government for additional hospital places including maternity wards who are sending pregnant women home to source their own assistance and A&E departments who are over-worked because of the additional population?

National Health dentists are few and far between. Why? Additional patients!

We have to wait up to two weeks for a GP appointment. Why? Because there are additional immigrants who also require medical attention.

Schools. Have there been additional schools built in the area? No. We are closing them!

Are we as a nation in an economic decline? YES. Why? Because we are giving Child Benefits to people whose children who do not live in this country. Free health treatment. Free Education. Free Housing. All to people who have never contributed to the system.

Why can't unemployed on jobseekers allowance sweep the streets, clean our beaches, decorate the homes of the elderly, Go to war!?

There are currently 646 MPs in the House of Commons at a minimum wage of £61820 plus expenses, plus all the add-ons. Do we need this many? (£40,000,000s worth!) All this considered, this is why we are in decline as a leading economic nation.

Can somebody explain how our government can and do exactly what they want, when they want without any consultation with us the tax paying electorate?

Did we want to join Europe? NO Did we want to go to war ? NO Why doesn't the government listen or do they not want to be re-elected disguised as a democracy?

Name and address supplied.