I WAS shocked and appalled to read about the wickedly vicious attack on the pet ducks in Bransgore by a gang of teenage thugs.

What sort of people give birth to such scum?

Why can't they be bothered to teach their offspring right from wrong?

What sort of "parent'' does not query why their son or daughter is in possession of a catapult which causes injury or damage?

Why aren't they teaching their spawn to respect others and their property?

The answer to all these questions is very simple. Discipline is foreign to most people now, family values hardly exist as most couples can't even be bothered to get married. All this sends out signals to their children that standards aren't important.

Those of us whose parents did National Service had very different upbringings and find today's parenting abhorrent.

When the police find the culprits of this despicable crime, I hope they are severely punished and the parents are handed the veterinary bills.

Jacqui Broadbridge, Warsash.