THE Echo recently published an article The Magnificent Six?' about local government salaries. In it the Echo printed information taken from the Taxpayer's Alliance stating Hampshire County Council turned down the Freedom of Information request on salaries because it would cost more than £450 to compile, was similar to a previous refused request, and was vexatious.

This is utter nonsense, the information provided by the Taxpayers' Alliance was incorrect. We make no secret of the pay of senior staff and publish this information to the public in our Statement of Annual Accounts, and this information was passed to the Taxpayers' Alliance. What the Council was not prepared to disclose to the Taxpayer's Alliance was reference to specific job titles as this would mean that levels of remuneration of individuals would be identifiable, something we believe is personal data and disclosure would be contrary to Data Protection principles. Given the difficulties we have had in reconciling our conflicting duties under the Freedom of Information Act and the public interest and our duty as an employer to protect the personal data of staff, the Council has sought further guidance from the Information Commissioner to guide us in future requests and his response is awaited. If he believes we should disclose names, then we shall.

KEN THORNBER, leader of Hampshire County Council.