WE visited Mayflower Park on Sunday and what a shock to see the old play area closed and the new one open!

I knew this was coming but cannot believe the size of the new park and it's new location. It is about a third of the size of the old park and whilst we were there with about 20 other children plus parents it seemed almost full and overcrowded.

What on earth will it be like in the summer?

Unbearable I think. The location is appalling too, children now have to cross a road to gain access, cars are parked right outside so this makes crossing quite difficult.

Also the noise from the main road is not good, (lovely for our children to breath in all the car fumes), in the old park you couldn't even hear the traffic! Finally so close to the toilet block - is that what the local authority think of our children?

For the last five years it has been a favourite spot for my family though now I think we will have to think again before making another visit. I'm so pleased a Boat Show that comes for a week once a year gets so much priority compared to that of the residents and children of Southampton.

RACHAEL HATTON, Southampton.