IN My View by Bryan Spinney (Daily Echo, May 8) sent a chill down my spine. Yes, very secretive experiments go on and the fluoridation of our water would be no exception.

Can anyone tell me what happened in respect of the spraying of a chemical over the Isle of Wight, including parts of Hampshire? I believe it was after the Second World War and it could have been DDT, a chemical, at one time, sprayed on our crops and then banned after it was found to be dangerous and had a deleterious effect on plants, animals, birds and fish.

It was done in secrecy and involved a mass of people.

I believe there is a lot of questionable experiments, usually by people who have no qualms about experimentation. These chemicals are not recorded for all to see, but even if they are these do not come to light for many years.

I have profound thoughts as to possible effects when it comes to obesity, hyperactivity in children, aggressiveness and addictiveness.

Chemicals are sprayed on crops, antibiotics given to cattle and poultry.

Penicillin was rendered inactive through overuse.

It is thanks to modern medicine that so much has been achieved, but the seriousness of experimentation with the animal kingdom should be monitored and should be recorded for publication.