AM I the only one that is getting fed up by the constant day after day requests in Above Bar for the public to either answer survey questions or to take out subscriptions for various charities?

They seem to leap at you from all directions, wearing coloured jackets or tops with clipboards, and are often students earning a few extra pounds for their efforts in talking us into taking out subscriptions rather than handing over coins or notes. It is not specifically the fact that they are there but rather that there is usually a different one (or more) around every day of the week (and even some evenings after shops have shut!) in Above Bar.

Yes, I readily recognise the fact that there are many charities out there and they need money all the time, but would it not be sensible for the public to be allowed to shop or simply sit, say the same few days a week, without any surveys or subscriptions being thrust at them? A few weeks ago I saw an old lady in Above Bar change direction completely in order to avoid a charity cluster' - she would not have had to if there were set days when no surveys or subscriptions were allowed in that area.

To me, this would also seem to make sense if applied around the city. Or am I just a mean so-and-so?

FRED NEILL, Southampton