THIS ‘blind admiration’ for the EU is so typical of those who have only read the ‘small print’ of this insidious organisation, or as is obvious in his case only the bits that concern him. How can any intelligent person believe in an organisation that still after 14 years is steeped in fraud and (by its own admission) total mismanagement.

Our Government have been at the helm of this fraudulent organisation for many years but I have yet to see a single sign of the promise that they ‘can only correct these issues from the inside’.

I have however witnessed how quickly the disease of corruption strikes once they have reached the holy grail. Greed and self interest seem to cloud all other judgements, you are right about long serving members of Ford licking their lips with glee at the prospect of a huge payoff, perhaps you are one of those? But where were you 20 years ago when so many of us like UKIP were fighting successive governments of the day to prevent the very situations you are now experiencing? When our hard earned cash was going into a foreign kitty for the benefits of countries like France and Germany? The difference then, as now, is Britain still tried to play by the rules while fighting a system that was bleeding us dry and still is.

Open your eyes Mr Burke, if you had read the constitution in the first place instead of the blinkered immature belief that the EU was the way forward like us you would have seen all this coming!

I get tired of people like you constantly whingeing about ‘your lot’, what about the ‘lot’ of those who fought and died for the freedoms and rights this government is handing over without a whimper . What will your children and grandchildren say about you Mr Burke in the years ahead.. ‘What did you do daddy when they gave my country away?’ Wake up sir before it is too late, read your history, and then read the proposed constitution ( the one they will not allow you to vote on!).Yours in contempt.

Molly bennett, Southampton.