ROBBING Peter to pay Paul has never worked In answer to Peter Sopowski (Letters December 27). Miracles do happen but not since the loaves and fishes episode! (In other words our country is in deep doo doo!).

We must come out of the EU as that would help this country back to prosperity as, for starters, it would save us £56 BILLION a year, and give us our country back. As it would be no good printing more money as it would be worthless and only fit to paper our walls with.

Yet this Government thinks it can spend its way out of a recession by borrowing more and more money. They’re in debt for millions as it is. They above all know full well robbing Peter to pay Paul just doesn’t work, they are just digging one bottomless pit of money trouble.

We tax-payers will be the ones to suffer – not them with their high salaries and pension and all the ‘freebies’ that go with their job, they’re on easy street. That gravy train is now more like the champagne express and needs severe cut backs, cut backs that should always start at the top NOT the bottom.