ONCE again, it is a Labour Government that is ironically bringing hardship to millions of either current or ex-hard working people.

The painful medicine that will inevitably have to be taken, as in the 1980?

Is, will it seem, have to be administered by a Conservative Government.

Like then, the treatment will be unpopular but necessary, and it seems that the Conservatives are best placed to rescue the country for a second time.

A healthy dose of commonsense would be the first step and it is refreshing to see a Conservative MEP plant a well placed right hook onto the already punch drunk Prime Minister.

Dan Hannan and our own Royston Smith seem to deliver healthy doses of commonsense which is much needed, but sadly in short supply from the current Government.

The Prime Minister tells us that he is for 'British jobs for British workers' – when can the British People have a British Prime Minister who is actually up to the the job?

A Kolker, Southampton.