IN reply to Brenda Knopf 's letter, I would like to point out, point by point,my understanding of what Labour has done. You say national minimum wage, I say try to live on it. Winter fuel payments, one month’s poll tax and then we freeze. More nurses and doctors? Waiting time is now longer. 14000 more police? You never see one on the streets, and remember not to walk in the public parks as it’s considered too dangerous. Banned fox hunting? That’s a fallacy, the media doesn’t think so. Crime down by a third since 1997? Most petty crime is now no longer reported because of shortage of police attention, remember not to ring 999 as we may not be there. The crime of violence is at an all time high, evil acts against babies and murder are regular occurrences. You see Ms Knopf, that some of us old age pensioners remember when a murder caused outrage, at least one a year. Drunks didn’t lay in the road, and litter didn’t line the streets, and children climbed trees and played in parks unmolested. Enlisting several thousand uniformed citizens of any age and calling them PCSO’s with no authority is not the answer. I I will not remark on MPs and their problems, enough has been said about that in the media.

Basically it’s not a bad world, but weak government and broken promises will not help. I know where my cross will go in the next election, and I advise all citizens to exercise their given rights and give us an improved situation.

ALAN BLANDFORD, Southampton.