I AM writing to you, about the relaxed attitude the authorities seem to have towards victims of serious crimes.

I was a victim of a serious stabbing, resultng in a punctured lung to which I almost lost my life.

I understand there is alot of police work involved in resolving a case like this.

Due to the lack of communication between the police and myself, I feel that I have been let down as the victim.

As a result of what happend my local community have made me feel that I was to blame and have been banned from all licenced premises.

I believe the knife crime in this country has got out of hand. I am very lucky to still be with my family today.

I cannot imagine the hurt that families go through when they lose a loved one, same as the families like my own that nearly lose a loved one.

Basically the authorities need to keep in touch with the victims, so we know that justice is being served and we as victims know where we stand.

Name and address supplied.