IF anyone still believed that the Tory cuts were essential to restore the nation’s financial health, the latest round of cuts announced by Hampshire County Council should dispel the myth once and for all.

Far from being strapped for cash, HCC has reserves of £216m, having just banked another £48m.

Whilst it is true that a portion has to be held back to pay insurance claims, there is still plenty available that could be called upon rather than making people’s lives more miserable and depressing.

Showing their contempt for public transport, Hampshire Tories are following the lead of their Westminster masters who have cut rural bus subsidies by one-third.

As Age Concern Hampshire points out, any reduction in services will hit the disadvantaged most and may result in social isolation, higher NHS costs and a poorer quality of life for the elderly.

These measures, taken at a time when HCC is awash with cash, are the 21st century equivalent to “let them eat cake”. Whilst King Ken sits in his counting house counting out his money, the lives of the county’s most vulnerable become less bearable. I hope they’re proud of themselves.

As always, for the Tories, it’s all about making a profit; if any service fails to do that, then cut it, irrespective of the social consequences.

No doubt, like their counterparts in Government, they do not use the services under attack.

GLYN TUDOR, address supplied.