When we were little and we were mouthy to an adult they gave you a quick slap and that was it.

If you told your parents they smacked you for being rude, but we had respect and we never behaved like children today.

If you look back 20, 30 or 40 years at the children then and the adults they have become now, most of them still have that respect, but because the law changes so much children now get away with doing what they want.

Under the new law that says you will not be able to smack your children, how will they know what they can do? Al kids need boundaries, so what do we do when an unruly teenager hurts an elderly person? Buy them a new pair of Nike trainers and say don't do it again?

I agree with S Ireland (Letters, September 19) that kids think they are above the law.

SIOBHAN BEDWELL, Shirley, Southampton.