I DRIVE my horses early on Sunday mornings to avoid the build-up of traffic, but even doing so I still have impatient drivers who will drive their vehicles too close, too fast and try to force me off the road.

Do they not understand the dangers of their actions which could cause serious injury not only to myself and my horses but to themselves and the general public?

When passing horseriders, vehicles should go by slowly as horses have all-round vision.

When passing driving horses vehicles should pass swiftly as horses with blinkers have straight vision.

I speak through this letter not only for myself but on behalf of all other people who participate in this pastime.

We all understand how built-up the area has become over the years and we all make the effort not to cause too much of a hold-up when out driving horses.

Please vehicle drivers, try to be more patient when passing horses on the public highway so we can all try to move around as safely as possible and not be involved in any incident that may cause injury.

J JOHNSON, Hedge End.