SO what has capitalism, in its current form brought us? Mounting economic debt, where Governments and spectators tell us to buy our way out.

Two leaders abroad who are ousted (Greece and Italy) to be replaced by market choice rather than the people’s. Add into this that over recent years the average person (dubbed the 99 per cent by the protesters) has seen a wage drop by four per cent, whilst their bosses’ have gone up a monumental 270 per cent . . .

. . . it’s rather sad.

There has to be a better way. It is no good taxing these top earners more, when they simply have the power to either raise their wage further, or send more money abroad and avoid UK taxation.

The Government need to force a cap on all top earners, and stop so much money leaving this country at our expense.

Multinational corporation growth needs to be stemmed. It is a behemoth that has become unwieldy. As a result it has trampled on everything. Those that work for them, the pensions their staff earn, even the laws we should all obey.

We also need a Government with guts. One that realises it works for us, not banks, not big business and certainly not for profit.

A Government needs to resist the temptations and the complaints of these groups and work towards a sustainable economy, as growth is limited.

A tree can only grow so high.

Fairer wages for all. Fair pensions, and protected savings. Higher wages that are in proportion to the lowest.

Only then will Britain truly be Great. We can do this, I know we can.

D J COOK, Sholing, Southampton.