RE “Why do we have to pay to enter our city?”

(Letters, November 22), if Ray Routledge is old enough he will know this has always been the case.

You had to pay on Southampton’s Floating Bridge unless you were a pedestrian or a pedal cyclist. Until the town council, as it was then, took it over even pedestrians paid.

I well remember this as a child. In the days of proper money it was a penny one way and a halfpenny the other. I believe this was because the fare was three farthings each way. Yes I am ancient enough to remember this. Then, as now, you had the choice of going the long way round. Today this would most certainly cost you more in petrol than the bridge toll.

However, Mr Routledge, you are right in what you say. We were told it would be a toll bridge until it was paid for. I’m sure it must be by now. I remember reading this in the Echo when we first had the news about the Itchen Bridge being built.

COLIN HAWKEN, Thornhill, Southampton.