I WAS interested but not impressed to read the article (Business News, December 8) about the great success of Solent Stevedores at Southampton docks.

I assume that neither the writer nor the general manager lives in Shirley, Millbrook or Freemantle, where the success of the container port is ruining residents’ lives.

We accept that noise has to be endured in the daytime, but how many realise that these operators have 24-hour licences?

During the past two or three years sleep has become impossible and sometimes we even doubt our sanity because of constant banging, clanking and “explosions”

reminiscent of the Second World War.

The building of the scrap metal mountains is unbearable but even worse is when the ships are being loaded – it’s like a non-stop metal waterfall. Shrill, piercing alarms continue for hours on end.

Complaints to the council, the Port Health Authority, the environment health department and local councillors bring no positive outcome. Answerphones and no replies to letters are common occurrences. Double glazing has little effect. In any case, why should we not be able to have windows open?

Listening to music through headphones has to be so loud to counteract the docks bedlam that it can’t be conducive to sleep. Ear plugs are no answer because they are so isolating – you can’t hear the normal house noises or be aware of children, old people or animals needing attention in the night.

I know there are plenty of complaints, from as far away as Hill Lane and Redbridge, and plenty of people grumble to one another but don’t know how to make an official complaint.

If it was a neighbour having a riotous all-night party or a drummer practising in the early hours, action would be taken, but no one seems to consider the health and wellbeing of the longsuffering residents in this area, many of whom (like me) have lived happily in their homes for well over 50 years!

P E FRY, Millbrook, Southampton.