WHEN I was just old enough to vote we had a referendum on the Common Market.

We were lied to and led like sheep into it. I voted against it but the country voted to join a trading block in which each country kept their own sovereignty, currency, laws and fiscal policies.

No one mentioned to the electorate we were going to be ruled by Brussels or Germany.

No one told us that over three million eastern Europeans were coming here to work and as many jobs related to trade with Europe would actually be lost to Europe.

No one was told we would be paying £14 billion a year to Europe and that money would be spent on eastern European countries to improve their infrastructure to attract British or British-based companies to their countries.

Now Europe wants to tell us what fiscal policies we should have, what austerity measures, what tax we pay and Germany wants to take the financial City of London and move it to Frankfurt.

Gordon Brown promised us a referendum on the treaty but they changed the name he signed up to and basically told us he (the politicians) knew what was good for us.

Now we hear, after Cameron has used our veto (thank God), we will fall out of Europe. Well let’s hurry up and fall. Better still, let them chuck us out. With the £14 billion saved we could lower taxes, make our exports cheaper and to hell with the EU!

Have you ever wondered whether if we were told the truth in the beginning would we have voted yes? The politicians think they know the answer and it would mean the end of the gravy train for the MEPs, so their colleagues in Westminster won’t give us a referendum.

Ed Miliband is actually sounding more like Nick Clegg than Clegg himself.

To get votes these politicians would sell their mothers so it’s a referendum to put right a wrong or, if Labour get into power, we will be handed over to Germany lock stock and barrel. Look at France, if Germany wants it the French give it to them, If you’ll never vote Tory but are anti-EU please vote UKIP but don’t vote Labour or Liberal.

This could be the time to put it right.

WAYNE HOBSON, address supplied.