HOW great it is for the city now Southampton are in the Premier League.

It will bring much revenue to the city from fans, visitors and we should really make it the place people want to come to.

However, I have always felt that Southampton City Council don’t do nearly enough to showcase their heritage, tourism, attractions and, feel they often get new things very wrong and often feel we’re left in Portsmouth’s wake.

However, my biggest bugbear about this city is how we fail to showcase the major entrance points to the city, not least of all at the Chilworth roundabout.

Think of all those Premiership clubs descending on the city in their coaches and cars, the thousands of tourists each year passing through to board their luxury cruise liners, the thousands who attend the PSP Southampton Boat show.

And what do we have? A very sad, cheap nondescript sign at the side of the road which, quite frankly, you’d miss if you blinked!

So what can we do on the roundabout? Maybe some kind of maritime structure that shouts about who we are as a city.

AMANDA COMPTON, Chandler’s Ford.