CHILDREN from Stockbridge Primary school have been taking the 'walking bus' to school as part of a new campaign.

The aim is to get new road-safety measures put in place after alarming results of a recent traffic survey.

Most children who walk or cycle to the school have to cross the large roundabout where the A30, A3057 and B3049 (the main road to Winchester) meet and where there are no traffic calming measures.

Between 8.30 and 9am, the new traffic survey showed 605 cars on one of the two main crossings, and 395 on the other, as well as 120/91 HGVs and vans. In that time, only six vehicles stopped to let families cross.

On April 25-26, parents were able to drop their children off at the football field, where other parents and school leaders were waiting to walk them safely over to the school.