CLLR Howson’s letter (May 12), Is both superficial and wrong. Some would say typical of the Lib Dems.

Unlike the commissioners set up by the Lib Dem/Conservative Coalition Government and the centralisation of control which has taken place over the last four years, the proposals from David Blunkett putting “Students and Parents First” ensures local government’s role in relation to the appointment and subsequent accountability of what are called Directors of School Standards, not commissioners. Statutorily the posts are compared to the local Director of Public Health but may straddle more than one local authority.

So no need for a motion to council from Cllr Howson, except maybe one condemning the Lib Dem/ Conservative Coalition Government who have made policy on the hoof, pinched money from local government to pay for it and then tried to blame it all on someone else.

Cllr Howson cannot even identify the Labour Children, Education and Families spokesperson. It is Gill Sanders, with whom he has attended many meetings during the course of this year, not Val Smith.

LIZ BRIGHOUSE, County Councillor for Churchill and Lye Valley, Leader of the Labour Group, Leader of the Opposition Oxfordshire County Council

Today’s letters

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