A SOUTHAMPTON man punched his victim multiple times before whacking him on the head with a baton, a court heard.

Lee Michael Clarke Williams hit his victim around the back of the head.

Just moments before the 26-year-old swung multiple punches at the man.

Prosecution barrister, Emily Lanham, told how the defendant jumped on his victim as he sat on a bed.

Daily Echo: Lee Williams outside Southampton Crown Court.Lee Williams outside Southampton Crown Court.

The court heard how Williams, of Gilpin Place, Thornhill, had let himself into his ex-girlfriend’s home in Toynbee Road, Eastleigh, during the early hours of January 10.

He then went on to attack the man, Miss Lanham added.

Appearing before Southampton Crown Court, Williams was charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

He pleaded guilty to the offence.

However, Miss Lanham said the incident was “aggravated by the fact that he was drunk”.

Williams has 23 convictions to 16 offences. Three of those are previous offences of violence between 2011 and 2015.

Daily Echo: Toynbee Road, Eastleigh.Toynbee Road, Eastleigh.

Defending, Jamie Gammon, said: “It was a serious mistake which could have had much more serious consequences.”

He told how Williams and his former partner had recently broken up and “within 24-hours she was with someone else.”

Mr Gammon said that his client had been disappointed at the ending of the relationship.

“He accepts his behaviour was wholly unacceptable,” he added.

Furthermore, he stressed that the single blow to the victim’s head “did not cause him much harm”.

Mr Gammon pleaded for the judge to suspend any custodial sentence.

Judge Peter Henry jailed him for 37 weeks, suspended for two years.

He must complete 28 sessions on an accredited programme and 20 rehabilitation activity days.

Williams must do 120 hours of unpaid work within the next 12-months and pay £175 in compensation.