A SENIOR councillor has welcomed the permanent hiring of two security guards who will patrol the streets of Southampton after dark.

The roles have been funded by the city’s Business Improvement District (BID), and will act as a deterrent to potential criminals between 9pm and 5am.

It comes after a spate of incidents in the city, including a stabbing in Palmerston Park in February at 3am, and an attempted murder investigation in Above Bar Street after three people were injured.

READ MORE: Extra security guards brought in to patrol Southampton after dark

Cllr Spiros Vassiliou, who sits on the cabinet and is responsible for communities and culture, said: “I welcome this new initiative for increased permanent security guards to patrol the city centre in the late hours after dark.

“The government, PCC, Go Southampton and the council are committed to working together to do everything we can to ensure a safer city for everyone.”

The council and the BID, also known as Go! Southampton, are striving to achieve Purple Flag Status for Southampton.

Daily Echo: Photos by: Ryan StanikkPhotos by: Ryan Stanikk

This is similar to the Green Flag for parks and Blue Flags for beaches and recognises cities and towns that take measures to ensure their vibrant centres are welcoming and safe destinations for visitors and residents.

To gain Purple Flag Status, a city must have: an after-hours policy that shows a clear strategy based on sound research, integrated public policy and a successful multi-sector partnership; destinations that are safe and welcoming with all sectors playing their part in delivering high standards of customer care; methods to get home safely and easily; and an “alive” atmosphere at day and night.

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Cllr Vassiliou added: “The local Conservative council administration has also added in £200,000 extra into our budget since taking control for more CCTV to be put up across the city as another way to try and keep Southampton safe and prevent crime as well as providing a new £500,000 Community Fund to help tackle anti-social behaviour."

Labour has called for more CCTV at bus stops.

Southampton City Council, GO! Southampton, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Violence Reduction Unit, Yellow Door, The Hampton Trust, Solent University, University of Southampton, Street Pastors and St John’s Ambulance are all working on the Purple Flag scheme. 

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