A GRASS patch left looking like the 'site of a First World War battle' could soon be home to new parking 'car wars'.

The warning was given at a meeting where councillors approved plans for a 13-space split car park at the junction of Crookham Road and Kingsclere Avenue in Weston, Southampton.

Southampton City Council bosses crafted the proposal as cars have been parking on the grass anyway.

That has left the patch in a sorry state. Speaking at a council meeting, Councillor Sue Blatchford said: “From the photographic image, (it) looks like a site of a First World War battle because of the loss of grass.”

But she fears there may be a fresh battle dawning - over who uses the car park. None of the spaces will be allocated.

At the Planning and Right of Way Panel she added: "They've got the new spaces but actually it's not allocated... just waiting for the residents' car wars over 'I can't park my car here'."

READ MORE: Up to 1,000 parking spaces to be created across Southampton

Despite Cllr Blatchford’s disapproval of the site’s present state, she wasn’t completely for the development.

And there were also environmental concerns raised at the meeting.

Lindsay McCulloch, an ecology consultee, expressed her concern with the loss of greenery.

In a written submission she said: “The proposed development will result in the  permanent loss of the amenity grassland and compensation in the form of improvements to other areas of verge or amenity grassland should be provided.

“The frequency of vehicle movements is likely to prevent grass from growing within the grass block (which will be added to the new car park) and it cannot therefore be considered to provide adequate mitigation for the loss of the grassland.

“I would expect to see the introduction of an equivalent area of wildflower grassland and  rain gardens elsewhere in the locality.”

Despite the concerns and the potential wars that could ensue, the new development was voted in.

The scheme was developed as part of the previous Tory administration's plans to add 1,000 parking spaces in Southampton.