A winter bed scheme for people sleeping rough in Southampton is set to return due to the region’s snow weather warning. 

Headed by Street Support Southampton and Love Southampton, the scheme sees churches unlock their doors at night for those in need of a bed and a warm space.

It had originally ended last month but will be brought back tomorrow ahead of the cold snap.

READ MORE: Snow weather warning extended as cold snap sweeps in

Speaking to the Daily Echo, Paul Woodman, from Love Southampton’s executive board said: “The Southampton churches winter shelter project has been running since 2020 when several churches opened up their buildings and provided volunteers to help take people off the streets at night.

“This February, we provided 51 overnight stays for people that were otherwise sleeping rough.

“We thought that was the end of the project but, with the cold weather coming in this week, our team decided to reopen for another week so that people aren’t sleeping in the sleet and snow.

“The project follows national guidance, supported by the local council, is helped by the expertise of Two Saints, and funded by local churches.

“It’s only possible because of the generous gift of time of over 50 compassionate volunteers who give up their time willingly and freely.

“Access to the project is possible only by referral from the Two Saints Day centre.”

READ MORE: Hour-by-hour Southampton forecast amid updated snow and ice warning

The reopening of the winter bed scheme in Southampton comes just days after figures from the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities showed that the number of rough sleepers in the city hit 27 in autumn last year, up from nine the year before.

In a statement, Southampton City Council addressed the matter of homelessness in the city by saying: “Everyone deserves shelter and the chance to rebuild their lives.

“As a city we’ve taken hundreds of vulnerable people off the streets and provided them with safe accommodation.

“In Southampton, we work closely with partner organisations, statutory teams, health care providers and charity organisations to offer emergency accommodation and support for rough sleepers to move into more settled homes in supported and social housing and the private rented sector.”