HUNDREDS of people are set to line the streets of Totton as the carnival returns.

The Totton and Eling Carnival kicks off tomorrow with a number of road closures in place.

On ther Facebook page, the carnival committee said: "As a polite reminder there will be staggered road closures tomorrow from Calmore Industrial Estate to Eling Recreation Ground from 4pm to allow our Carnival participants and spectators to remain safe.

"We understand this causes an inconvience for some people and we send our apologies to those few.

"Please show respect for the volunteers giving up their time for this community event."

The floats are set to be judged by Jimmy Ball, the son of Saints and England legend the late Sir Alan Ball, which will take place at Calmore Industrial Estate at 3pm.

The precession is set to take off at 4pm down Salisbury Road and will finish at Eling Recreational Ground.

Teams will design and make their own floats and costumes with each group sticking to a theme.

This year's theme is "bright and cheerful", with participants urged to "be their best".

The carnival will take place tomorrow, Saturday, June 24.