Plans to build two new houses at Marchwood have been turned down for the second time amid fears they would "urbanise" the site.

Eddie McDonagh lodged an appeal after an application relating to land next to Wrenwood in Trotts Lane was rejected by New Forest District Council in January this year.

But government-appointed planning inspector Liam Page has upheld the council's decision.

He said: "The main issue is whether the site is in an appropriate location for housing, including the effect on the character and appearance of the area, protected trees and ancient woodland."

Mr Page said the scheme amounted to "unjustified development in the countryside".

He added: "The proposal would deliver development where there currently is none and erode the rural character and appearance of the area through urbanisation.

"The site is also adjacent to protected trees and an ancient woodland. These are integral to the character and appearance of the countryside location.

"The harmful effects on the protected trees and the ancient woodland would compound the other harms identified."