The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

KERRY PHILLIPS, 34, of Sidney Street, Lymington pleaded guilty to three counts of theft from a shop. This relates to £336 worth of toys stolen from Tesco in Caird Avenue, New Milton, £100 worth of food and drink stolen from Tesco New Milton and food and alcohol worth £92.45 taken from Morrison's in New Milton. Phillips was bailed to appear at the same court on December 15 for sentencing. 

DARIUSZ BILIP, 39, of Northumberland Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to two public order offences in Southampton. He was ordered to pay £100 compensation and a £570 fine. 

PIOTR KOSCIELNIAK, 40, of Chessel Crescent, Southampton admitted driving without insurance and drink driving on Chessel Crescent. He was driving a Toyota Yaris when he was caught with 95 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Koscielniak was banned from driving for 24 months and fined £833. He must pay £85 court costs and a £333 surcharge. 

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THOMAS CAREY, 37, of Albert Road South, Southampton pleaded guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm or distress. He was fined £328 and must pay £40 court costs plus a £131 surcharge. 

LOUIS HANSFORD, 35, of Footner Close, Romsey admitted to causing criminal damage to a window at Alma Road, Southampton. He was ordered to pay £150 compensation and a £120 fine. 

AARON COSGROVE, 32, of Birch Close, Shirley Warren admitted to driving whilst disqualified, failing to stop for a constable or traffic warden and possessing a controlled drug of Class B, namely cannabis. All of the offences took place on the same day. Cosgrove was caught driving on Coxford Drove. He was given a sentence of 10 weeks suspended for 18 months with 80 hours of unpaid work. He was also given six points on his licence and must pay court costs of £85. An order was made for forfeiture and destruction of the drugs.