The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

DYLAN MASON, 26, of Herrick Close, Southampton pleaded guilty to failing to give information relating to the identification of a driver or rider of a vehicle. He was fined £440 and received six penalty points. Mason must also pay £110 court costs an a £176 surcharge.

KERRY CLARKE, 42, of Cunningham Crescent, Southampton admitted racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress. She was fined £350 and must pay court costs of £85.

BENJAMIN MCEWAN, 38, of Burgoyne Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to theft from a shop after £32.50 worth of items were stolen from The Range in Southampton. He was ordered to pay £32.50 compensation, £85 court costs and a £26 surcharge.

ALAN COUZENS, 37, of Kittiwake Close, Bournemouth admitted driving without insurance, drug driving and driving whilst disqualified. Couzens was driving a Mercedes C230 on the A31 in the New Forest at the time. He was banned from driving for 588 days and was jailed for 12 weeks. 

Read our previous round-up here

MARK WILLIAMS, 34, of Weston Lane, Southampton pleaded guilty to drink driving a Renault Master on Westward Road, Hedge End. He was caught with 106 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Williams also admitted possessing an air weapon in a public place, namely a Walther CP99 Black Air Pistol. He was bailed to appear at the same court on December 18 for sentencing. An interim disqualification was put in place.

JONE LALABALAVA, 50, of High Street, Southampton admitted a single charge of assault by beating at Dibden. He was bailed to appear at the same court on December 8 for sentencing. 

RONWYN EDWARDS, 31, of Tunstall Road, Southampton admitted causing criminal damage to a vehicle. He was given a one-year community order with 15 rehabilitation days and 40 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay a £114 surcharge.