The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

CRAIG AYLING, 28, of Lebanon Road, Redbridge admitted charges of common assault of an emergency worker, being drunk and disorderly in a public place, failing or refusing to provide a sample for a Class A drug test and failing to provide a specimen for analysis. He was given a one-year community order with 20 rehabilitation days. He was also disqualified from driving for 28 months and must pay £50 compensation plus a £114 surcharge. 

LLOYD BAKER, 20, of Coxford Road, Southampton pleaded guilty to three counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker. The case was committed to the crown court. Baker was bailed to appear for sentence on November 15. 

Read our previous round-up here

REBECCA CONLAN, 42, of Stapleford Close, Romsey admitted driving a vehicle which had been taken without the owner's consent, namely a Ford KA. She also admitted two charges of possessing a controlled drug of Class A (Crack cocaine and heroin). Conlan was banned from driving for 12 months and jailed for four weeks. An order was made for forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. 

LEON THOMAS, 38, of Nelson Grove Road, London pleaded guilty to assault by beating of an emergency worker and stalking in Southampton. This relates to multiple unwanted messages and calls that were made to his victim. He also turned up at her address without consent at night and waited outside her children's school. The case was committed to the crown court. Thomas was remanded in custody to appear in court on November 20 for sentencing.

KELLY HUTCHINGS, 36, of Kitchers Close, Hythe pleaded guilty to theft in that she stole a set of car keys from The London Hotel in Southampton. Hutchings was fined £80 and ordered to pay £85 court costs plus a £32 surcharge.