A woman was left with “flashbacks, anxiety attacks and nightmares” after her boyfriend attacked her on the night of his sister’s wedding.

Harry Varney pinned his partner to the wall by her neck in a hotel room, a court heard.

Just hours before, when she invited him to dance at his sister's wedding reception, he insulted her and told her to shut up.

When the pair returned to their hotel room in Oxfordshire later that evening, Varney turned violent.

He started slamming things around the room accusing his victim of "embarrassing him in front of his family".

Then, without warning, he ran at her and pushed her against the wall, placing his hands around her neck.

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During the attack, the 31-year-old made remarks about his girlfriend's abusive ex.

He told her he couldn’t believe he hadn’t killed her and that she deserved to be hit by him.

The woman managed to escape and darted out into the corridor to look for help, only wearing her underwear. 

A family member helped her get a different room.

When she woke up, Varney had left but continued the abuse over text, making comments about her ex.

In a statement read out in court, the victim said she begged Varney not to hurt her because she feared for her life.

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“There are no words I can write that will reflect how much trauma and pain this incident has put me through.

“I am left feeling angry and hurt beyond repair. I suffer with flashbacks, anxiety attacks and nightmares.

“I also now struggle with my social life trusting people. I can’t be left alone with a man without feeling scared.

“I hope that Harry can take responsibility for what he has done. I do believe Harry is not a bad person. He just made a bad decision under the influence of alcohol.”

The woman went to hospital and suffered bruising to her neck.

Varney was arrested and interviewed but denied the attack.

He later pleaded guilty to assault by beating on the day of his trial.

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Passing sentence, Judge Nicholas Rowland said: “I hope that you reflect long and hard having heard what she has had to say.

“Using violence against a vulnerable woman.

“She put her trust in you to look after her.”

Mitigating, Thomas Evans said his client “just wants to move on from this incident” and “doesn’t have any intention” of contacting his victim.

He said Varney was “normally a hard-working positive member of society”.

Varney, of Briarswood, Southampton, received a two-year community order with 10 rehabilitation days and 180 hours of unpaid work.

In a letter read out in court, he told his victim: “I’m genuinely sorry for how you have suffered. I truly hope you are now in a place where you can heal emotionally.”