Plans for an off licence near a mosque which sparked concerns of 'drunken hate crimes' has been given the green light by the city council.

The decision was made in the city council’s licensing meeting on Thursday, November 16.

The Sam Store in Portswood Road is a few doors down from the Bashir Ahmed Mosque, under a new block of flats.

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The plans for it to become an off-licence received 30 objections, including fears of anti-social behaviour.

For one worried resident, Michael Hodder, concerns revolved around his front garden and the empty cans it is littered with.

Mr Hodder attended the licensing meeting to raise his objection.

He said: “What about all the empty cans, drinks and bottles that (are laying all over the street and laying in my garden?

“I live across the road from the shop and when I get up in the morning over a weekend there are four or five, maybe 10, bottles and there are some out on the wall.

“They chuck them into my garden.”

Sam Store is yet to start selling alcohol.

Mr Hodder was alerted to this and that the cans must be coming from ‘other premises’ – but said that if the shop does start selling alcohol it will ‘make it worse’.

Shorish Mustafa, the owner of the new off licence confirmed that he will try to mitigate potential litter by having a bin.

He said: “If already people are throwing bottles or cans into your garden it’s something to do with other premises.

“I can’t guarantee if someone buys a drink they won’t throw it into your garden.

“If you want me to come, ask me – I’ll clean for you, I promise.”

The shop will be able to sell alcohol between 8am and 11pm Monday to Saturday and 11am to 11pm on Sunday.