We asked members of We Grew Up In Southampton Facebook group which pub or club they wished was still around.

An influx of pub lovers were determined to share their memories of their beloved beer-serving establishment.

We featured seven of the popular answers in a recent article and many readers commented on the other pubs they miss the most. 

Here are another seven of the popular answers you - the reader - came up with:


Daily Echo:

Gattis was once a prominent bar and restaurant on Southampton's High Street, near the Bargate, and even features in postcards of the area from just after the turn of the last century.

During the 1970s, the furniture was made from wooden beer barrels.

Rumour had it the landlord decided to change it because of the cost of having to replace tables and chairs after they were broken during fights.

Painted Wagon

Daily Echo:

This West Marlands Road bar is the Painted Wagon once more.

However, through the years it has gone through a host of different names and guises.

Soul Cellar, The Stage Door, Rogues Cafe and Marco Polo's are just a few of the different businesses that have traded at the location

Portland Arms

Daily Echo:

Portland Arms could once be found at 69 Above Bar, on the junction with Regent Street. 

Dating back to the 1830s, the pub was popular among Daily Echo workers and seamen.

Once said to have been the smallest pub in Southampton, Portland Arms closed its doors for good on August 31, 1971.

The building became an employment agency before being demolished in 1993.

The Boundary

Daily Echo:

The corner of Rownhams Road and Kennedy Road in the Maybush area of the city has seen great change over the years.

The Boundary, a Watney's pub that used to stand there, underwent a major refurbishment in 1967, only to be renovated again in the 1980s.

The pub. which traded as a Chef and Brewer carvery for a short while, closed in the 1990s and demolished to make way for homes.

The Rising Sun

Daily Echo:

The Rising Sun at 358 Shirley Road, dates back to at least 1898 when it was run by Samuel Witt.

In the late 1990s, the pub underwent a major redevelopment and was reopened as The Brass Monkey.

The Smugglers

Daily Echo:

The Smugglers could once be found at 114 Bernard Street on the junction with Threefield Lane,

The pub first opened in the late 1850s under the management of Henry Adams.

The pub changed its name to the Richmond Tavern at some point before changing in the early 1980s to the Richmond Inn.

The 1878 Drink Map shows a beer house on the site, although in those days the pub’s address was Brighton Terrace, Bridge Road.

It later became 37 Bridge Road when part of the road was amalgamated into Bernard Street.

The Woodman

Daily Echo:

Well-known pub The Woodman was once located in Coxford Road, Lordswood.

The pub closed in 2011 after landlord and landlady Lynne and Mike Ryan called time on the business after 14 years.

There were originally rumours about the building becoming an Indian restaurant. That never happened and the old pub was instead converted into a Tesco Express.