More stormy weather is on the way to Eastleigh as gale force winds are forecast to hit the city yet again in a just a few days time.

A 24-hour yellow warning for wind has been issued by the Met Office across all of the UK, including Eastleigh and other areas along the south coast, from 12pm on Sunday.

A more severe amber alert is in place on Monday, from midnight to 9am, along coastal areas in nearby West Sussex.

It comes after Hampshire was gripped by extremely cold weather this week, with freezing temperatures sparking ice warnings and road closures.

As the week comes to a close, the weather will turn milder, forecasters say, but a new storm will sweep across the UK on Sunday and into Monday.

Daily Echo: The weather warnings in place across the UK on SundayThe weather warnings in place across the UK on Sunday (Image: Met Office)

Storm Isha is set to bring gusts of up to 60mph in Eastleigh.

However, other coastal areas will see winds reaching 70 or even 80mph in a few places.

Northern Ireland, the north of England, parts of Wales and coastal areas in the south west of the country are set to be the worst affected areas.

Chief Meteorologist, Dan Suri, said: “Storm Isha will bring strong winds to the whole of the UK through Sunday and into Monday. The areas of particular concern are reflected by a large Amber severe weather warning which covers Northern Ireland, central and southern Scotland, Wales, much of northern England as well as southwestern parts of England.

“In these regions we could see gusts frequently between 50-60mph and even up to 80mph in exposed coastal locations. As the storm starts to move away on Monday morning very strong winds will also develop in the far southeast of England, bringing the risk of 70-80mph gusts here too in the early hours of Monday morning.

“Storm Isha will bring a disruptive spell of weather to the UK with strong winds across the whole country. Heavy rain will cause additional hazards, particularly in the west. A number of severe weather warnings for rain have also been issued. Keep up to date with the Met Office warnings and pay close attention to guidance from your local authority.”