A more severe amber alert for wind has been extended to include Southampton as even stronger winds are set to batter the city tonight.

Southampton residents already woke up to gale force winds today as Storm Isha sweeps across the UK but conditions are expected to get worse as the day goes on.

It's led Met Office forecasters to extend their amber warning to include the full length of the south coast, from Cornwall to Kent.

It previously only covered coastal areas in the south west, Wales, the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

It means travel disruption, power cuts, damage to buildings and falling debris posing a danger to life are likely in these areas from 6pm - when the alert kicks in - to 6am tomorrow.

During these times, speed restrictions have been put in along the South Western Railway (SWR) network with longer journeys leading to possible delays and cancellations.

Red Funnel, which yesterday warned disruption to its Red Jet passenger ferry would be "highly likely", has since suspended the service until further notice.

Winds in Southampton are set to reach 55mph tonight while other coastal areas in the UK will see gusts of up to 80mph in places. 

A 24-hour yellow warning for wind came into force at 12pm.

Power cut advice

A spokesperson for Energy Networks Association, which represents Britain's energy network operators, said: "An amber warning brings an increased risk of damage to homes and vital infrastructure. Energy network operators are preparing to deal with any damage quickly and safely.

"With severe weather forecast, our advice to customers is to prepare, care and share. Prepare by going online to PowerCut105.com for advice and call 105 for free if you have a power cut. Check in with people who might need extra help, and share this information so friends and family know what to do too.

"If you see damaged power lines or lines brought down over the coming days, stay well clear and call 105 for free to report it, or dial 999 if there’s an immediate danger to life."