Plans to upgrade a Southampton petrol station by replacing a vehicle repair shop with a jet wash have been approved.

Southampton City Council has given Tesco the green light to redevelop part of its petrol filling station off Tebourba Way.

A council report said: "The jet wash facility will have less overall bulk and mass than the existing workshop.

"The jet wash is set away from the highway and separated from it, and nearby residential properties, by mature landscaping.

"The proposals will not have a significant impact on the character of the area.

"No letters of representation have been received from the public and environmental health have raised no objection on neighbour amenity grounds.

"The proposals are sufficiently distanced from the neighbouring dwellings to mitigate any material harm to light or outlook currently enjoyed by the occupiers.

"Southern Water raise no objection to the proposal, neither does the Environment Agency or the council's sustainability (flood risk) advisor.

"The floodlighting will need to be controlled to prevent harm to wildlife using the adjacent landscaped strip."