A man vandalised his partner's car and claimed he was burning her family photographs because he thought she was sleeping with someone else. 

Graeme Kemish went to his girlfriend's flat and cut the valves off her tyres before bombarding her with messages and calls, a court heard. 

During a three-day period, his victim received 72 calls from various numbers.

Some were abusive with 44-year-old Kemish threatening to kill himself.

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On the evening of May 26 2022, Kemish's victim drove back to her flat to sleep.

During this time she was sent 15 text messages and had 12 missed calls. 

Sometime later, she was woken up by a police officer after neighbours saw Kemish attempting to get into the flat and damaging her car. 

When she checked her phone, she found texts accusing her of sleeping with another man. 

She later got further messages saying: "Sorry I can’t answer the phone right now, I am burning all your pictures."

This included family photographs, the prosecution claimed.

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Kemish, of Courtier Close, Dibden was later convicted of criminal damage and harassment. 

Speaking at his sentencing hearing at Southampton Crown Court, prosecutor Rod Blyth said "alcohol use may have been an issue at that time". 

The couple had been together since the summer of 2020 when the country was emerging from the first Covid lockdown. 

Mitigating, Amber Athill said the pair have had no contact since adding that her client has "no intention whatsoever" to speak to the woman again. 

"He has paid off the credit cards. He has moved on." 

She also told the court Kemish has had to pay £1,200 in private legal fees throughout the court process. 

But Judge Brian Forster KC said this is a "serious matter" adding: "Fortunately the relationship has ended."

Kemish received an 18-month community order with 27 rehabilitation days. 

He must also pay a £95 victim surcharge.