Private hire firm Cab My Ride said it plans to appeal the decision to have its licence revoked.

The family-run company has said it is ‘deeply disappointed’ that its license has been revoked by the city council after a driver was found using a car with worn-out brakes and an expired license.

The council's Licensing Sub Committee found the business was 'not fit and proper' when it made its decision.

This came after the firm’s boss Arjan Sahota apologised before the committee at Southampton City Council adding that he was working hard to 'gain back the trust' of the community.

Council papers showed a hire driver drove 1,000 miles with damaged brakes and still carried on after the vehicle’s licence expired.

The incident only came to light following a string of complaints against the company.

Other complaints quoted in the council report include wheelchair users being overcharged, children being driven to and from school in an unlicensed and damaged vehicle and questions about the conduct of the former director, who resigned in 2020.

The director said changes to the app were made when the overcharging issue was raised and that the incident which saw an unlicensed and damaged vehicle being used was a result of human error and changes also had been made.

READ MORE: Cab firm loses licence after car driven with worn out brakes

However, despite this, the committee was not convinced and revoked the company's licence to operate in the city.

Now, in a statement, the firm has said: “The Cab My Ride team expresses deep disappointment regarding the decision made by the Licensing Committee of Southampton City Council on the 14th February 2024 to revoke our licence to operate.

“In response to this decision, we will be consulting with our legal team and we will be appealing in due course.

"It is important to note that customers retain the ability to book trips via the Aryvo platforms.”

It added that throughout the process it has cooperated with the councillors, presented the case and acknowledged areas of improvement.

Daily Echo: Cab My Ride director Arjan SahotaCab My Ride director Arjan Sahota (Image: Newsquest)

READ MORE: Boss of city cab firm which could lose licence speaks out as decision looms

It added that while they are ‘disheartened’ by the decision, it respects the committee’s authority and it will work ‘diligently to address any concerns raised’.

Adding: “Despite our best efforts, we recognise the gravity of the mistakes that occurred.

“We had hoped that Southampton City Council would consider these errors within the broader context of our service history, where an overwhelming majority of journeys have been completed successfully.”