A disgraced doctor who drove a car while abusing drugs and injected himself in front of his son has been struck off.

According to a medical tribunal, former Southampton General Hospital anaesthetist Paul Winwright stole a drug from his workplace four times between January 2019 and February 2021.

On this last occasion, the 40-year-old took the drug while driving on the A34 near Winchester and was caught by police.

READ MORE: Southampton General Hospital doctor stole and abused anaesthetics

Daily Echo: University Hospital Southampton.University Hospital Southampton. (Image: NQ)The tribunal said he 'posed a real risk to the lives of other road users' adding: "Dr Winwright’s actions fell so far short of the standards expected of reasonable and competent doctor so as to amount to misconduct.

"It also considered that his actions would be considered deplorable by fellow practitioners."

In January 2023, Winwright was fined and stripped of his licence - and in November he was also jailed for 30 months for burglary, theft by an employee, engaging in controlling and coercive behaviour and child neglect.

READ MORE: Thief doctor prompts Southampton hospital drugs storage review

This included a night on April 2022 when he injected himself with the anaesthetic Propofol until he passed out - and was discovered by his 10-year-old son at their home in Shirley.

Daily Echo: Paul WinrightA few months after resigning, the former medic broke into the hospital and stole more Propofol, Southampton Crown Court heard at the time.

The tribunal described the coercive and controlling behaviour as 'abhorrent' and said Winwright 'has not demonstrated any remorse for his actions'.

The tribunal noted that the judge sentencing him said: "It is significant that, throughout the Pre-Sentence Report, you say in effect: "The jury were wrong, I was only joking around.""

Now his name has been erased from the Medical Register - meaning he can no longer be a doctor.

The three-day tribunal concluded that erasure was 'the only appropriate and proportionate sanction', adding: "His conduct was so serious as to be fundamentally incompatible with continued registration."

As a result, Winwright will not be allowed to work in the medical profession unless he successfully applies for his registration to be restored.

This can only be done after five years.