A Chandler's Ford recreation ground on the verge of major makeover has been hit with another alcohol-fuelled wrecking spree.

After an Easter weekend of mindless vandalism a scorched car was discovered on its roof after attempts had been made to torch it in the middle of the Hiltingbury Recreation Playing Fields.

There are fears that an escalation of vandalism could destroy future plans to boost the recreation ground's facilities.

Local councillor Colin Davidovitz was called to the scene by angry residents following the latest outbreak of rowdy behaviour.

He said: "Residents are right to be furious at this hooliganism which the police seem powerless to control.

"They woke this morning to see a trail of lager cans and empty vodka bottles leading to the wreck of a car which had been driven around the recreation ground."

Councillor Davidovitz said the car was then overturned and an obvious attempt made to torch it.

Last year closed circuit television cameras were used to crack down on the vandalism and drunken behaviour which has plagued the recreation ground.

Buildings and sports facilities have become number one targets and much of the damage has been caused during booze binges.

A cricket match had to be cancelled at the last minute after someone dug up part of the cricket square.

Skateboarding facilities costing thousands of pounds have also been wrecked into the past.

Now it is hoped that CCTV footage will hold vital clues leading to the capture of the culprits.

Cllr Davidovitz said: "I hope that the CCTV cameras will have recorded the images of these young hooligans as they passed them and that this will lead to their arrest.

"I hope also that they are caught and punishment meted out to them is sufficient to deter others from copying this behaviour." He added: "The Chandler's Ford local area committee is just about to start work on large-scale improvements to the Hiltingbury Recreation Ground and it is vital that the police get hold of this situation."

He warned: "If this hooliganism continues while this work is going on it would not only add greatly to its cost but it might lead to the council abandoning the project altogether."

PITCHES at Hiltingbury Recreation Ground have been sprayed so that the grass will die over the next few days. But this will not trigger a grass roots protest. Eastleigh council's co-ordinator for Chandler's Ford Andy Milner said: "If you see it going yellow, do not worry."

The chemical treatment is necessary before the playing surface is improved. Mr Milner added: "The main work will start in the next week or two, depending on the conditions."

During the excavation and drainage work costing more than £100,000, contractors' vehicles will be housed in a temporary compound in Hiltingbury