HARRY REDKNAPP has shrugged off Sir Clive Woodward's plan to bring a vision awareness coach to St Mary's.

Woodward worked with South African Dr Sherylle Calder during his time with the English RFU.

The former South African hockey international has also worked with her own country's rugby players as well as the Australian cricket team, the New Zealand All Blacks and an America's Cup sailing team.

Hampshire Cricket skipper Shane Warne was looking forward to working with her before he was sent home from the 2003 World Cup for taking a banned substance.

Calder was originally employed by Woodward for the 2003 Six Nations, but impressed so much he kept her on for the successful World Cup mission later that year.

She was at St Mary's on Saturday with Woodward (the pair are pictured below) to watch Saints' dull 0-0 draw with Plymouth.

Afterwards Redknapp remarked: "Vision coaches may do some good for those with dodgy minces (eyes) but they are not for me - I'm not interested."

Calder has said: "I work to improve visual motor performance. The eyes can be trained like any part of the body.

"The brain can also be speeded up, which improves hand-eye co-ordination."

Australian cricket coach John Buchanan approached Calder before the last World Cup.

"After the first time I explained what I wanted to do with them, Shane Warne came and said 'this is really going to help my bowling'," confessed Calder. "He was sent home so I didn't get to work with him, but the collective attitude was 'we want to get better'."