Soldier’s Tribute to Southampton Nurses: “We talk about our Army and our Navy, and God bless them all, for their deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice will live in the annals of history forever, and I am proud to be one of them.

“But there is the other part of the service – those beautiful women of England who leave big hospitals and grand homes to go abroad, where there is plenty of danger, to nurse our gallant lads and dress their wounds.

“It is good to be in their good hands.

“How tenderly they care for one and comfort the invalids with their cheery smiles.

“It is grand after the hard times in the trenches.

It makes us forget all about our pain for the time, and after a little while, when we are fit, we are invalided to England, where I am now in Southampton it is much the same.

“The trained sisters are so efficient, and the nurses so kind and considerate and anxious to save one the smallest bit of pain.

“I can tell you it does one good to hear a cheery ‘Good morning and how are you?’ “I hope they are the same all over England, and if every wounded or sick comrade is looked after the same we cannot grumble, for they work hard for our benefit and comfort to get us fit as possible to take our place in the trenches, should we be needed.

“You people of Southampton should be proud of your daughters doing such noble work.

“From one who has been invalided home from France.”

A Grateful Tommy Highfield Lane, Southampton