Genre: Action

Platform: Nintendo Wii

Publisher: Majesco

Rating: 3+(PEGI)

AFTER spending so much time playing inFAMOUS this week, it’s hard to believe that I would have had time to play anoth er game from start to finish. But this week it was possible because Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian is shorter than its main star Ben Stiller – and he’s no giant.

And what it lacks in length, it fails to make up for in quality. The poor framer ates and dodgy camera angles are a real shame as there are parts of the game that show real promise in a light-hearted, family entertainment sort of way. The clunky platform format feels old and unintuitive and the humour can be mea sured on a scale of bad to painstakingly cringe-worthy.

Although the puzzles are simple to the extent of almost being insulting to adults, they would be easily digested by kids whom are clearly the target audi ence and will probably end up enjoying it.

So if you wanted to spend a Night at the Museum on your Wii – this won't take the whole night. But the 3–4 hours that it does provide will be enough to entertain without the gameplay becom ing too stale.

Cool for kids – annoying for adults.

SCORE: 3 / 10