Genre: Role Playing Game

Reviewed on: Nintendo DS and Wii

Publisher: Square Enix

Rating: 16+ (PEGI)

There hasn’t been much in the way of cross-platform gaming so far. There was the incredibly mediocre Shadowrun that brought Xbox 360 and PC owners together in a boring romp of restrictive and personality lacking gameplay.

Although there are more cross platform games on the horizon, the clever guys over at Square Enix have already done something far more impressive – they’ve made a game that’s cross platform between DS and Wii. A true games fest for any Final Fantasy loving, Nintendo fanboy.

What’s so unique about this is that the games are identical on both platforms enabling co-op play to happen between the consoles quick and easy. What does suffer from this though is that, things don’t look quite so polished or well built for Wii as they do on DS.

The game itself sees a young village girl stricken with a mysterious illness known as ‘crystal sickness’. Determined to find the cure, a young hero ventures out of the secluded village for the very first time only to find that things outside aren’t necessarily how he thought.

It’s the next chapter in the much loved Crystal Chronicles series, a series that packs cutesy Japanese style graphics with complex fighting strategies and RPG gameplay.

It’s a must have for DS owners, a maybe for Wii owners.

SCORE: 7 / 10