Genre:First Person Shooter

Publisher: Activision

Rating: 18 (BBFC)

Platform: Xbox 360

Please note that this is a download expansion for Call of Duty: Black Ops. This download only works with a full version of the game.

As though the original zombie mode where players took the roles of John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Robert McNamara, and Fidel Castro weren’t crazy enough – things just got weirder. Now cameos include Sarah Michelle Gellar, George A. Romero, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo and Michael Rooker.

The new zombie map, Call of the Dead, brings this odd collection of random famous people to life (or death as the case may be) is the brand new zombie pack within Escalation, a map that includes a frozen dockyard, a lighthouse, a frigate and a load of zip-lines. All these elements help to keep the fear factor high.

In a Gears of War style approach, the scenery changes as time goes on and the zombie death toll is totted up.

But it’s not all zombies with Escalation, as there are also another four standard play maps bundled within. Zoo, Stockpile, Convoy and Hotel each offer varying new landscapes each with their positive and negative points.

All mapsincluded in the pack feel different to what’s previously been on offer in Black Op’s as each break away from the norm and what’s previously been done dozens of times before. 1200 MP isn’t cheap, but for maps like zoo that are so unique with their indoor aquariums and aviaries, it makes it all worth it.

SCORE: 7 / 10