You know on a Sunday afternoon when you’re desperately trying to get somewhere, possibly Grandma’s house for a roast dinner, and there’s that damn annoying person in front out for a Sunday stroll who refuses to go above 20mph?

Well, at times, this can be like listening to Bon Jovi. They are the dictionary definition of ‘middle of the road,’ they couldn’t offend anybody if they tried.

This album often sounds like a poor man’s Springsteen. The album opener, We Weren’t Born To Follow sounds like a child’s guide to immortal Springsteen hit Born To Run in both title and lyrically.

But this album can’t be completely written off.

Doing so could result in a life-threatening chase scene involving thousands of housewives and their rolling pins.

The stats don’t lie. Bon Jovi have sold millions of records and have sat atop the charts more times than most of their contemporaries. Yet does this give them the right to charge such astronomical prices for their shows?

On the basis of this collection of songs, no! There’s more ups and downs on this album than Alton Towers’ top rollercoaster!